Friday, September 20, 2013


A wonderful feeling inside you, 
for a joyous moment is awaited, 
its he or she you wonder, what to name you ponder,
The Nine months feel like forever, for its all worth it,
as a woman will now be 'Mother'.

Pregnancy is characterised by complex physical and biological changes, that affect the general as well as the Oral health of the woman. in order to ensure health during and after pregnancy, it is imperative to carry out both curative and preventive procedures that includes dental care.

Bottom Line: " Oral health care is an essential component of a healthy pregnancy"

Educating pregnant women about the benefits of dental care is critical to their own and the child's health.Evidence has it 
  • that infants and young children acquire decay causing bacteria from their mother. 
  • Mothers who have untreated periodontal (gum ) disease are 7 times more likely to have premature baby.
When you are pregnant , hormonal changeS make you more prone to illness. It's time to visit your dentist when you have
  • Bleeding gums on brushing or slight provocation,
  • Discomfort while chewing food or otherwise,
  • Burning sensation,
  • Teeth have turned yellowish with chalky deposits on them,
  • Food particles get forced between your teeth ....etc
Keep your dentist informed and problems at bay...

Are you wondering, like many others in our country, whether dental treatment is safe during pregnancy?

the answer is " dental treatment is absolutely safe throughout pregnancy".

  1. Get treated. fear of dental treatment poses a big hurdle to many in seeking dental care. Dentistry is far more advanced today than it was a few years ago. Manage your fear and keep your baby safe. Have a healthy pregnancy.
  2. Practice good oral hygiene, everyday. 
    • Taking good care of yourself starts every morning by brushing right. Using a correct brushing technique will help remove plaque and prevent gum disease and tooth decay. 
    • Use an effective tooth paste. one that is  fluoridated.
    • Flossing between your teeth prevents decay from developing between your teeth.
    • Your dentist will guide you to use an inter dental tooth brush if you have gaps between your teeth.
    • Using a mouth rinse completes your oral hygiene. Alcohol free mouth rinses are a must in your kitty.
    • if your going through troublesome mornings ( morning sickness / vomiting) rinse your mouth well to wash out the acids from attacking your teeth.
  3. food that harm and foods that heal.
    • harm: 
      • carbonated drinks
      • processed foods
      • food high in sugar content.
    • heal 
      • veggies,
      • cereals
      • cottage cheese
      • cheese
      • milk and yoghurt.
NO matter what you eat, remember to rinse after every meal.

Enjoy every moment of motherhood. 
Keep yourself and your baby safe and healthy.

Caring for you always,

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